dilluns, 6 de gener del 2014

Successful premiere of DIAFORA in Pyrgos

As you know, the first screening of DIAFORA took place in Apollo Theatre (Pyrgos) last december.
Well, we just don't have words for the audience. It was amazing to share DIAFORA with all the people who was there, in a full theatre and also with all the crew who helped and supported in making this film.
We were glad about the reactions of the people.
Pyrgos received our film very warmly, and it has a great value for us.
"DIAFORA" belongs to this little city, which has given us the opportunity to make this short film, to live great adventures and learning by the experiences we had.


Available the bloopers of DIAFORA in Youtube.
Because behind our films there are lot of laughs...
Enjoy the video!

CLICK HERE to watch it!

dijous, 2 de gener del 2014